Now let me get this straight, John: You want things that you don't yet have, people in your life who you don't yet know, and events to take place that haven't yet occurred, so that once these "things" come to pass, you'll feel happy, confident, and fulfilled; accomplished, desired, and appreciated; treasured, adored, and like a-beautiful-sight-to-see?
But... wasn't that your rationale for all the other stuff you wanted that you now have?
Green light! 
  The Universe
John, in all my years touring, I’ve found there are 6 life areas people most want to improve:

1. Relationships 2. Wealth and abundance 3. Creative livelihood
4. Losing weight and looking great 5. Health and healing 6. Happiness

Let me carefully address each area for you over the next 6 months (90 minutes per month), exploring how to manifest what you most desire.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© ® 
Whatever, John, more of everything is on the way....
Join this 6 month adventure.