Think back to a happy time, John, a really, really happy time in your life. Go back as far as it takes, to a time when you felt so light you thought you might float.
Do you remember it? The carefree feeling? The acceptance of the moment, of yourself, of life? Feeling unfettered by thoughts of the future and oblivious to the past?
Feel it a little longer...
There. Very nice.
  The Universe
John, be immersed in TRUTH, find your "tribe," and prepare for transformation this MARCH in New Orleans at this once-a-year event!

  • Deepen your knowledge of life's truths.
  • Find your audience and discover your voice.
  • Meet awesome, like-minded new friends.
  • Scare yourself with excitement over your future.
  • Enhance your presentation and teaching skills.
  • Laugh, dance, learn, lead, inspire, play, change.
  • All while becoming a Certified Infinite Possibilities Trainer.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
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John, the only difference between joyful moments, and others, is you.
Do this for YOU.