Nice job helping raise the sun this morning, John! The colors over Fiji were especially impressive. The warming of the Adriatic was right on time. A few Egyptians up early enough even wondered if Ra wasn't back at the helm. 

The hungry child in Mongolia said to say, "Hi!" The sad monk in Tibet, "Thanks for the laugh!" The realtor in Minnesota asked, "Are you sure about the farmer's market?" The dancer in Rome, "Don't tell a soul..." And the sage in Djibouti says, "You have exactly what it takes to help millions of people every day!" 

Tell me, John, any recollection of all your other-worldly to-ings and fro-ings, yet? Or are we still pretending you're just mortal? 

If you only knew...
   The Universe
John, this is really cool! Shamanic Energy shows you how to call in power from your surroundings.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© ® 
Oh, and John, Ra called you a show-off.
I'm a co-presenter with this shaman...