Customized Abundance Advisory and Relativity Alert for John Do (shhhh...):

Soon, for you John, hundred dollar bills in forgotten blue jean pockets will be as plentiful as singles are in your wallet today. Earning an extra five thousand for lending a hand will only be as challenging as earning five hundred, today. And then before you can even ask, "Who let the bucks out?!" you'll have as many millions in the bank as there are meters in a mile, popes in the Vatican, and stairways to heaven.

Yet still, you'll be loved most for being a great friend. 

That's just how you roll, 
   The Universe
John, let me surprise you every month...

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© ® 
And every day, John, will feel like Friday... but not just because you're really, really rich.
Gifts from the Universe...