What if, John, you're already doing everything right, even though you're not sure?

And the surprises along the way have only sped things up, even though it felt like they slowed you down?

And all that you want is now barreling toward you, even though you can't see it?

And when it arrives it'll exceed your every expectation, even though your dreams were huge?

Wouldn't you be making some really weird noises about now? Whoohoo'ing, howling... maybe even whoohoo-howl-barking? 

   The Universe
John, distraught over a bad breakup, career in ruins, and debt far exceeding my life savings—I wondered if the best of my life was behind me. Instead, it was about to blast-off...  

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© www.tut.com ® 
I'm just glad you can't hear me right now, John....
Playing the Matrix...