Young souls use pain to learn how things are.

Mature souls use pain to learn how else things might be.

And old souls, John, use pain to learn how else they might be. 

   The Universe
John, dates are set! This is our only LIVE Train the Trainer of 2019!

  • Deepen your knowledge of life's truths.
  • Find your audience and discover your voice.
  • Meet awesome, like-minded new friends.
  • Enhance your presentation and teaching skills.
  • Scare yourself with excitement over the rest of your life.
  • Laugh, dance, learn, lead, inspire, play, change.
  • All while becoming a Certified Infinite Possibilities Trainer.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
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Of course, John, pain is only a choice, among many, for such learning. It just happens to be very popular.
Do this for YOU.