Let's say you live by a great, abundant, life-giving ocean, though at a very primitive time in history, and so you are very, very hungry. And let's further say, John, that you're given a choice: a wading pond full of fish or fishing lessons; enough fish to last you for several weeks, or the skills to tap an unlimited supply. Which would you choose?


But, what if learning to fish meant multiple solo attempts to test out your new skills, during which you'd likely feel anxious, uncertain, and a little confused? And that while your instructor would never be far, doting over you like a mother does a young child, you'd forget this, and sometimes feel all alone. Would you still choose the lessons? 

Oh, re-a-l-l-y? 

Can you see me, now? 
   The Universe
19 years ago, John, I was at the end of my rope, financially. 

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© www.tut.com ® 
John, the Universe is your abundant ocean, your dreams are your blazing hunger, and you do live in a primitive time. Yet most admirably, you chose to learn the art of manifestation. You're so "kick butt."
It's never too late...