As you may know, I’m based in Florida, and with the Parkland shooting all of our heads are spinning and our hearts are broken. Probably like you, I wonder how we might all lean into creating a better world, and, specifically, what I might do. I came up with a few things, the first of which is to simply wonder… what the world would look like if we all saw each other just a bit differently. As brothers and sisters, regardless of race, nationality, or economic status. Appreciating that each of us is wrestling with our own lions, and tigers, and bears; doing the best we can with what we know. Slowing down, self-reflecting, and having patience when we don’t see eye-to-eye. Forgiving people for their flaws just as we hope they will for ours. And realizing it's our own insecurities that cause us to sometimes chase too much, point fingers too often, value productivity over people, with too many rules and not enough hugs. The other thing that’s come to my attention, thanks to my friendship with the Ortner family, is that their foundation is paying to send teachers and healers to Parkland to help them through the shock and grief they’ve experienced using meditation, tapping, and mindfulness tools. Essentially, helping them to heal themselves! So, yeah, we’re supporting them, and you’ll find a link at the bottom of this newsletter if you’d like to help too. John, you are powerful. You’ve done amazingly well for yourself and you always will. See your worthiness, feel your importance, and pitch the self-doubts. The world needs all of us right now, and happily, it’s still a place full of magic that bends to our dreams. You are loved. You are important. If you need something, anything, ask for it. And if someone asks you for help, give to the best of your ability or try to find someone who can. We’re family, | |
Using All of Your Angels with Lorna Byrne! | |
John, are you using all of your angels? You will after this event! Tickets will sell out, so reserve your spot today! Denver, CO Phoenix, AZ San Francisco, CA Seattle, WA Atlanta, GA Orlando, FL Philadelphia, PA Toronto, ON Online Course – This week 50% off! Join the tour! OR Watch it online, NOW! | |
My Latest Book, Playing the Matrix! | |
John, in my latest book I share what I’ve learned since creating the most amazing rebound of my life (financially, romantically, and joyfully), with the intention of helping others do the same. If you order it today, you can watch my Dreams Come True Masterclass for free (normally $149). Order Playing the Matrix at Amazon! Watch my Masterclass for free! | |
Less than 2 Weeks Left 'till New Orleans! | |
Playing the Matrix Workshop - March 11 Special Channeled Event - March 14 IP Certified Training - March 15-18 See these events and more! | |
Last Chance, 1 Spot Remains for Angkor Wat! | |
Soulapalooza 2018 in Hawaii! | |
John, Come with us to Machu Picchu! | |
Traveling, anywhere, will reset your compass. Traveling to Machu Picchu, with up to 80 TUTTERS, will reset, transform, and make-over your entire BEING! This will be our 5th visit, we know how to do it right! Machu Picchu, Peru - October 11-19! | |
Playing the Matrix in Las Vegas! | |
The Tapping Summit Will Raise Your Vibe! | |
John, I'm always looking for new ways to harness my thoughts, understand my power, and live with more love in my heart for all things. Particularly when craziness seems to abound in the world. This year's World Tapping Summit comes at exactly the right time. 20 hrs of free interviews and meditations! | |
Loving * Helping * Sharing * Parkland, FL! | |
John, The Tapping Solution Foundation is sending a Trauma Relief Team to Parkland, FL, to help students heal (tapping has been proven effective in dealing with trauma). Let's help these students NOW! | |
Loving * Helping * Sharing * The Waterbearers! | |
John, approximately 660 million people around the world do not have access to clean water. The Waterbearers help distribute water filters to those in the greatest need worldwide. We can help give people clean water! | | |
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