Jambo John!

Given how bizarre the world may now seem, and the polarity pulling some people away from others, I thought I’d remind you of something really cool.

No matter how things appear in time and space, you will prevail. You are a forever being, a God-particle, and all else is illusionary. What’s real is love, what’s fake fades away. You’re here by choice, inclined to succeed, surrounded by friends, with positive thoughts 10,000 times more powerful than negative ones. Go, make hay, because in the blink of an eye, we’ll all move beyond the drama of circumstances into new adventures, no one left behind, more loved and in love. Yet right now, for just a little bit longer, we get to play here.

It’s like you won the greatest lottery ever imagined. YOU won, John Do! Now, go check your ticket once more, and I’m sure you’ll agree.

Happy May 2017!
P.S. Oh, and John, you’re supernatural, look amazing in photos, and someone utterly fabulous will soon be entering your life – prepare thy way for the best of times...  
The Hay House World Summit Starts This Week
Talk about surrounded by friends, John, this is my #1 listening recommendation for 2017!! This year there's new material from 100 experts sharing their best insights on life, dreams, and happiness.

What: A month of inspiration, empowerment, love, creativity, enlightenment.
Who: Deepak, Esther, Louise, Wayne, myself, and 95 others.
Format: 100 free interviews, 15 free movies.
Registration is free. Join me and the 500,000 others
who will tune in (yeah, it’s that good).
Sign up before it starts, and you can hear 4 extra bonus interviews from Esther Hicks, Louise Hay, Kyle Gray, and Dr. Wayne Dyer!
Esther Hicks
The Evolution of The Law of Attraction
Wayne Dyer
Celebrating the Divinity Within
Louise Hay
Embracing Change
Kyle Gray
Raising Your Vibration with the Angels
FREE LIVE Channeled Event
Attend in Person or Watch Online
John, for over a year I've been corresponding with Frank, through channel Tracy Farquhar, whose civilization was once facing many of the same challenges we face, yet for changes made, they were catapulted to a place of incredible success and prosperity. 

This entire conversation is the basis of our forthcoming book, and it's available today for pre-order! If you pre-order it today you can attend a special LIVE 2-hour channeled event with me and Tracy Farquhar this weekend! 

When: Sunday, May 7th from 7 - 9 PM MDT 
Where: Attend live in Santa Fe OR watch the livestream online
Price: FREE with proof of book purchase

Frank shares truly stunning information on:
  • The power of imagination, meditation, concentrated thought & prayer.
  • Angels and how to use them (they're our partners in creation).
  • Insights into other dimensions, circular time, currency-free economies, and how to build a better world.
  • Similarities and differences between their culture, technology, education, leisure pursuits, relationships, and our own.
  • The empowering revelation that it was your highest choice to live at this crucial time on Earth, and therefore even the smallest deliberate action on your part will have great consequences.