We just returned from our 25th WOW Tour, this one to Vietnam and Cambodia! Thank you to all who were able to attend! Angkor Wat was the highlight, physically speaking, but spiritually it was the warmth of the local people we met along the way. Children laughing, grown-ups smiling, thriving food markets that served freshly baked tarantulas, and millions of motorbikes connecting everyone to everywhere in their super exciting cities.
We naturally visited the war museum and memorials of both countries. Everyone attending was deeply moved, many of us couldn’t hold back our tears. What struck me the most was how different the reality of these wars were compared to what we were told as they unfolded. Takeaway: Should we (anyone, any citizen) ever again be faced with war, no matter who’s talking about it, threatening it, or calling us to action, be wary. Be very wary. It’s too easy to mistakenly believe that the fear we find in the world, is evil.
The other takeaway from this trip was the joy I had with everyone (and there were so many) – traveling with me, assisting our group, or locals I met – willing to talk about and share pictures of our kids. These moments were also tear inducing. Ain’t life grand?
Happy everything,