Jambo John!
Have you noticed that some teach, “we have to do the inner work, face our fears, and ask new questions,” while others say, “follow your heart, live in joy, and everything will sort itself out”? Well...?

And we all know the blithe spirit of a child is something adults should emulate, but isn’t it ironic that we adults were once those kids? What happened...?

Lastly, once we overcome fear, live in joy, and intentionally manifest like we breathe… might life on earth get a little boring? Then what...?

These questions and many others, John, are just a few I’ll be asking The Council, channeled by Sara Landon, on August 5th... and you’re invited (it’s free)! I’ll also be asking:

  • Was there really a “fall from grace”?
  • How can we live with more miracles?
  • Please explain the world’s countless ancient ruins?
  • Tell us about the aliens that are absolutely buzzing us?
  • To what degree can we transcend life’s illusions without destroying the fabric of our adventure?
  • Can anyone learn to channel, and what are the steps?

If you miss the live workshop, you can enjoy the recording, or an mp3, at your convenience, but you must register here in advance.

Tallyho, ho, ho!
John, you’ve probably heard of Seth, Abraham, and Ramtha… but have you heard of The Council? Their channeled message will astound you!

When: Thursday, August 5 at 3 pm ET
What: The Dream, The Journey, Eternity and God (FREE channeled event)

If you're not able to watch live, register anyway and I'll send you the recording.
John, join me and like-minded peeps every Tuesday for a new Mini-Manifesting Workshop! You choose your payment, as low as $15 per month.

Here's what we're talking about in August...
Theme: The Art of Balancing Your Life ⚖️

Tuesday, August 3 - Assessing the Playing Field
Tuesday, August 10 - Enhancing Your Own Self-Care
Tuesday, August 17 - The Power of Frivolity
Tuesday, August 24 - How to Have More Fun
Tuesday, August 31 - Quarterly Mastermind: Questions & Answers

John, I'm so excited to announce our return to Machu Picchu, Peru! It's STUNNING, AWESOME, MYSTERIOUS, and one of the most beautiful places on earth! This will be our 6th WOW TOUR to Peru and words don't do it justice.

Our virtual conference is back! If you missed the last one, now's your chance to attend and become a CERTIFIED INFINITE POSSIBILITIES TRAINER. The possibilities for what you can do with your certification are endless... You can lead workshops and retreats, teach classes around the world, coach individual clients, speak to live audiences, write books, and more.

John, in this recent episode I talked about whether suffering is the result of karma... how to discover what you're really good at... how to deal with friends who don't share your beliefs... and if illness is ever just illness...
Listen NOW on:Apple*Spotify*Google Podcasts

“Amazing read – sure wish this book was issued at birth!!!!” * “A must read for anybody spinning their wheels.” * “The secrets inside the secrets. Wild wisdom into freedom!” * “Life-changing and powerful.” * “One of the best books I have read in a long time.” * “I can’t put it down.”

John, so many of you have chipped in to help! We're almost halfway to our goal of raising 5 million dollars for Charity: Water! Every dollar we raise = clean drinking water for someone in need. ❤️

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