Jambo John!
There was a time in my life, not so long ago, when if I had to admit my greatest manifesting misses, they would’ve been “love” and “home” – unable to settle down with someone until 50 or find a dreamy-dream home until even later. 🏠💗

Over the decades, I tried everything… and retried… and retried…

Yet, as I write this, midway through a 6-week visit to Manzanillo, Mexico with my wife and daughter, family and friends, in our villa overlooking the Pacific, I’m totally awed, wondering, “Whatever did I do, often so lost and confused, to deserve so much?”
The irony is intense: Even when I thought, for years, “It’s not working,” it was. Better still, while my manifestations of the past were always hard-earned (very), these seemed to have found me when I wasn’t paying attention, while far exceeding my lifelong hopes. Sure, they took longer than others, but the wait was so fantastically worth it.

There’ve been lots of lessons learned. Here are some of the unexpected ones, for when a dream hasn’t come true (yet):

  • Enjoy your life anyway.
  • Diversify your interests—have other dreams, simultaneously.
  • When we stop trying to force “things,” “things” take care of themselves.
  • Just because you can’t see life’s magic, doesn’t mean it’s not there, working hard on your behalf!

It always works, John. It never fails. Your dreams are meant to be.

Happy August! 💗
P.S. For the earnest student of life and dreams come true… please check out the very next section of this newsletter, about the imminent launch ofTUT’s Awakening Adventure.
John, The AWAKENING Adventure starts Tuesday and thousands of people are joining us.

THIS WILL BE THE CHANNELING EVENT OF THE CENTURY, designed to help you awaken. Never before have these 6 teachers come together to share their extraordinary gifts and insights pertaining to:

  • the earth’s shifting dimensions,
  • uncovering and healing deep-rooted pain,
  • raising your vibration as you move toward full self-realization,
  • and the glory that awaits those who are prepared.

Join us for a LIVE CHANNELED BROADCAST each week!

John, my Infinite Possibilities Membership is the closest thing I offer to personal coaching. Join me and like-minded adventurers every Tuesday for a LIVE Mini-Manifesting Workshop.

Here's what we'll be talking about this month:

Tuesday, August 2 - The Art of Thinking 
Tuesday, August 9 - What to Believe
Tuesday, August 16 - Just KNOW! 
Tuesday, August 23*- Self-Realization 
Tuesday, August 30*- Quarterly Life Wake-Up Call

*On August 23 and 30,after the workshop, meet like-minded adventurers on Zoom!

John, our Infinite Possibilities Conference is 5 WEEKS away!

This conference is for YOU if... ❤️ 

  • You’re a lifelong student who wants to deepen your own understanding of life’s magic and your power.
  • You’re a teacher, coach, or speaker who wants to expand your network and credentials.
  • You’re an artist, writer, or creative who wants to inspire and empower others through your work.
  • You’re an entrepreneur who wants to create a profitable business sharing your gifts with others.
  • You're a messenger who wants to help friends and loved ones (and possibly others) discover their innate power.

The $100 early-bird discount ends August 11.

John, listen to my Spiritual Tune-Ups Podcast while you're working or working-out. 💪🏽 Last month I talked about:

➤➤Tips for getting your book published and monetizing your writing, my own biggest life breakthroughs and “ah-ha’s," how to deal with challenging family relationships, powerful visualization and manifestation tips, and lots more...
🎧 Listen now on:Apple*Spotify*Google Podcasts

If you leave a review, I’ll send you a gift!🎁
Just email a screenshot of your review to review@tut.com.
by Mirja Camphausen

by Lynn Owens

by Sandie Marrinucci

by Stephanie Dauphin

by Elizabeth Gardner

by Allison Richard

Do you want to write for us? 
We're accepting article submissions for our blog.

Engineering team meets with drillers in Uganda
Field support monitors the drilling project
The development of a well for clean water
John, we just received a progress report from Charity: Water, showing the difference our donations are making. The water crises is massive, but together, with the help of Notes subscribers:

  • We've raised almost 3 million dollars for Charity: Water (100% has gone directly to fund clean water projects). 💗
  • We're on track to bring clean water to 68,800 people living in the Katakwi, Amuria, Soroti, Kapelebyong, and Napak Districts.
  • 59 new wells were drilled and 137 other projects are underway!
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