WOW! You’ve made it halfway through a year that's unfolded in ways unimaginable. Filled with lots of “first times,” scary times, and probably a few “last times.” This thrilling ride is only speeding up in the United States, and a few other parts of the world, with the unabated spread of COVID-19.
It’s rattled all of our cages, and I’ve not been excluded. Throughout, I’ve found a few ideas that have been most reassuring:
- For all the “first times,” I realize these will not only turn into the lore of my life, but they will help me to live like I never could have otherwise lived.
- For all the scary times, I remind myself that I am not vulnerable to the elements or life’s illusions; I am their co-creator, and when they are all long gone, I will remain.
- And, for all the “last times,” I’m grateful to have had them, but there’s little point in looking back when there’s still so much more to look forward to.
Everything is here to serve us, John, including pandemics. My daughter recently asked if, when COVID-19 is gone, we’ll still be able to sleep out in our tent on the weekends, watch TikTok together, and have a vegetable garden. “Oh yes, little princess, and so much more.” 💗