Happy July John!
So, my daughter, 7, is easily distracted (me too!). And we’ve been told she might excel quicker as a dancer if she can focus better, which brought about the following train of thought:
What do you WANT, John?

Are you associating your preparation for its arrival with the joy of its purpose, the reward?

Just wanted to keep your July trains of thought running on FUN!

Yours in the adventure,
P.S. John, a little fine-tuning of perspective is usually all that’s necessary for better traction and faster manifestations, which happens to be what this month’s Mini-Manifesting Workshops for Infinite Possibilities Members are all about – see below. 😊
John, how would you answer these three questions?

💚 What do you LOVE to do (travel, read, help others)?
💚What are you really GOOD at (writing, yoga, teaching)?
💚 What have you SURVIVED (cancer, depression, the loss of a loved one)?

Your answers to these questions will help to guide you toward your future SIDE HUSTLE! The 21-DAY Side Hustle Adventure starts TODAY and I'll be sharing everything you need to know to create a successful side hustle!

You can choose what to pay to join us.

John, wherever you are in the world… I’m inviting you to attend, take part in the amazing energy, and become an Infinite Possibilities CERTIFIED TRAINER from the comfort of your home. 

The $200 early-bird discount ends July 29th.

John, this podcast episode with Neale Donald Walsch (author of Conversations with God) is my #1 MOST LISTENED TO EPISODE! In it, we delve into the nature of reality, life's magic, and our power as creators... 🙏
Listen NOW on:Apple*Spotify*Google Podcasts
Theme: Accelerating Your Manifestations

John, every Tuesday I meet with Infinite Possibilities Members for a brand new Mini-Manifesting Workshop. It's the closest thing I offer to personal coaching! Here's what we're talking about this month:
Tuesday, July 6 - Harnessing Your Burning Desires
Tuesday, July 13 - Setting Powerful Intentions
Tuesday, July 20 - Living Conflict-Free
Tuesday, July 27 - The Easiest Way to Love the Journey

John, do you have a great manifestation story?We'd love to hear it!

We're accepting SUCCESS STORIES to showcase at the TUT website (and inspire thousands of readers!). Send an email to story@tut.com and tell us your MOST AMAZING manifestation or transformation story (in less than 300 words).

Please also include a hi-res photo of yourself! 
John, I was told that life on their planet was unimaginably different than ours, but their spiritual adventure is virtually identical.

I was repeatedly AWED by this conversation! 
John, our mission is to save 5-million dollars for Charity: Water! With the help of Notes subscribers, we can get there!We've already raised over 2-million dollars and saved thousands of lives. Every dollar we raise = clean drinking water for someone in need.❤️

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