Jambo John!

Have you ever suddenly realized that you were a little off track in life? 

When the very path you’re on, that perhaps once filled you with enthusiasm, was starting to feel same-old-same-old? And then you realized this was something that had begun some time ago, yet only now you discovered it?

For me, it was just prior to COVID when I was beginning to wonder, “What’s next?” Noticing that so much of what I had once desperately wanted was already in my life, and… so what? I found it hard to move beyond “Meh…”

I think these shifts are natural, albeit scary (very). They show up when we’ve outgrown earlier phases of our life, either through mastery or maturity, to bring about new questions, leading to new adventures, and ultimately, new answers. The scary part happens when the old path loses luster before the new path appears. Have you been there, too?

For me, the “thing” that lies “beyond manifesting” has become my search to “awaken.” To shake myself from the trance of our illusions, to know the truth of my divinity, to find myself in everyone else. Not to graduate from these sacred jungles of time and space, but to live more fully within them.

Best of all (for me, at least), given that “we teach best what we most need to learn” (Richard Bach), more and more of what I’m doing at TUT is about just this — going deeper. Last year we hosted The Awakening Adventure, and now we’re back for Awakening II. 

I haven’t been this excited about what I’m doing since I was in The Secret!

Wishing you the happiest of transitions, John, whenever they may “suddenly” appear.  

Happy everything,
P.S. When in doubt, John, ask new questions.
John, I've been on a mission to "awaken" for the past few years and I am SO excited for this! The AWAKENING II Adventure starts July 11 and thousands of people are joining us. 

Never before have these 6 WORLD-RENOWNED CHANNELS come together to share their extraordinary gifts and insights pertaining to: 
  • the earth’s shifting dimensions
  • uncovering and healing deep-rooted pain
  • raising your vibration as you move toward full self-realization
  • expanding your psychic, spiritual, and empathic powers
  • freeing yourself from the “zoo” of mass consciousness
  • and knowing the absolute truth of your divinity

John, my new book The Dream, the Journey, Eternity, and Godis a #1 BEST SELLER! In it, I asked The Council my biggest questions:

  • Was there really a “fall from grace”?
  • Who are you? Why have you shown up?
  • How does God fit into the equation of life on Earth?
  • What does “enlightenment” really mean?
  • To what degree can we transcend life’s illusions without destroying the fabric of our adventure?
  • What steps can be taken to live with more miracles?
  • Why is there now such a diversity of opinions on Earth?
  • Can you tell us about Atlantis and other civilizations?
  • How GOOD can life get here on Earth? Please describe.
  • What happens when we die?
  • Please share on realities beyond time and space?
  • What are your TOP 3 TIPS for living lives of joy?

“A captivating masterpiece that has deeply touched my soul.” * “This book is an absolute gem, providing profound insights into the realms of consciousness and self-realization.” * “Wonderful information for realizing your true potential in this human form.” 

John, my 4-DAY Infinite Possibilities Certification Conference is happening virtually September 7-10, 2023.

This is an opportunity for anyone who's ever dreamed of empowering others by teaching the truth about life’s magic and our power. You’ll become certified to teach all that I teach about life, dreams, and happiness!

Already we have 3,000 trainers working with children & teens, people in prisons, women's shelters, the homeless, those in addiction recovery, and in halfway houses. We also have trainers leading workshops, retreats, and speaking to corporate audiences. There's no limit to what you can do!

John, ever wonder where the cool, spiritual people hang-out? We meet every Tuesday for a new Mini-Manifesting Workshop! 


"I love Tuesday's with Mike… it's essential for our growth. As you say, we are in a 1% group that understands this. Being here together, listening to you, and working on these assignments powers us up for when we are out there shining a light for the other 99% of people in the dark. We're changing the world right here." - Lesley


"I started the Infinite Possibilities Membership and I can’t even begin to tell you how my life has changed... I go to sleep dreaming and feeling my dream life; not the stressors of the day, regrets, or fear of the future. Thank you forever Mike." - Katie


"Mike, you are one of the mainstays that rock my world!! Your joy and excitement and profound teachings fill my mind, heart, and soul. Thank you for all that you are and all that you are helping us to become." - Barbara

John, last week I sat down with Sara Landon and Krista Xiomara from the I'm Awake, Now What? Podcast to discuss our new book!

During the interview, we discussed:

🌟 The collective accelerated awakening that's happening on Earth.
🌟 Releasing the density of our human experience as a means of elevating into a deeper awareness and consciousness.
🌟 Plus, Sara channeled The Council & received a very special message for the audience (and you!).

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Just email a screenshot of your review to review@tut.com.
Here's what I'm sharing inmy Spiritual Tune-Ups Podcast...

I first read The White Book by Ramtha/J.Z. Knight 30 years ago. I was WOW’d then, but now even more so! It seems the whole thing is about transcending the illusions of time and space via enlightenment! In this week’s episode, I dove into the topic of Unending Miracles (inspired by The White Book).And in the previous episode, I talked about the power of Going to What Hurts for Self-Discovery.
🎧 Listen now on:Apple*Spotify*Google Podcasts
John, several years ago I met Scott Harrison during a trip to New York City. ✈️ His organization Charity: Water is bringing clean drinking water to areas of the world that need it the most. I am so moved and affected by his mission that I've personally donated $200,000 of my own money... and together with Notes subscribers, we've raised almost $3.5 million dollars for clean water projects! Will you be part of this mission to change lives??? 


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