Jambo John!
For over twenty years people have asked if I use automatic writing to write Notes from the Universe. 🖋️

And while, in the beginning, my answer was usually, “I wish!” I came to notice how often my own words surprised me, inspired me, or sometimes made me laugh out loud, as if someone had just told me a joke as I was still typing the punch line. So, “Yeah, I channel… sometimes,” became my answer.
Yet, with a little thought and reflection, wouldn’t you agree that the words we speak and write are not the product of flesh and bone, but of spirit? That precious and unique light that animates us all? 🌟

Today my answer is, “Yeah, we’re all channels…”to which I’ll add, “and we can ‘get’ some really amazing insights, content, and truths when we quiet our overly logical, egoic mind, to allow the purest stuff through. It’s not only how Neale Donald Walsch wrote the brilliant Conversations with God series, or how Esther Hicks brings forth the Abraham material, but in my view, it's how the greatest athletes, entrepreneurs, rock stars, and everyone else, creates anything at the highest levels known to humankind.”

John, what’s really cool is no one has to learn how to be a channel. It’s just something to learn how to do better.

I’m still learning how to perfect allowing-the-purest-stuff-through, and in my wanderings and wonderings, I found out that Michael Sandler, who’s interviewed me from time to time over the past 10 years on his hit podcast, Inspire Nation, is the most highly rated automatic writing author at Amazon.

I bought his book, was super impressed with his passion and story, so, yep, invited him to teach a 21-DAY Automatic Writing Adventure with me!

You’re invited, John, for a price you choose. Come and be A.W.’ed!

Thoughts become things,
P.S. John, the art of quality writing, as much as the art of quality living, begins with getting out of your own way to let spirit flow freely. And the most exciting news about all of this is that we can each cultivate and learn this art to bring about any transformation we can dream of.
Doors open TODAY for our 21-DAY Automatic Writing Adventure! 🖋️

Learn how to create a daily writing practice that helps you:

  • Access your intuitive inner wisdom
  • Receive answers from your angels and guides
  • Communicate with loved ones who have crossed over
  • Discover your purpose, path, and direction
  • And so much more… 

If you’re a writer, teacher, coach, or deep thinker, and you’ve always wanted to INSPIRE and EMPOWER others, this is how! ❤️

Attend my virtualInfinite Possibilities Certification Conferencehappening September 8-11! You’ll become CERTIFIED to teach all that I teach about life, dreams, and happiness… and you’ll join our legion of over 2,000 Infinite Possibilities Certified Trainers who are improving life on earth.

John, join me and like-minded peeps every Tuesday for a LIVE Mini-Manifesting Workshop. Here's what we'll be talking about in June:

Tuesday, June 7 - Designing How You’ll Work, Play, and Rest
Tuesday, June 14 - Living in Abundance
Tuesday, June 21 - Awakened Living
Tuesday, June 28*- The Best of Your Life

*On June 28, at the end of the workshop we'll meet in small break-out groups on Zoom!

John, on my podcastthis month I talked about:

➤➤ the secret to great relationships, advanced visualization techniques, freeing ourselves from karma, making sense of global chaos, the shocking truth about our nighttime dreams, and lots, lots more…
🎧 Listen now on:Apple*Spotify*Google Podcasts

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Just email a screenshot of your review to review@tut.com.
by Skylar Liberty Rose

by Lori Joseph

by Mwendwa Mbaabu

by Gwen Mayes

by Raman Hari

by Nikki Starcat Shields

Do you want to write for us? 
We're accepting article submissions for our blog.

John, our charity this month is UNICEF, because every child deserves an equitable chance in life! Our goal is to raise $20,000 and, if you choose to help us, your 100% tax-deductible donation will deliver essentials to the world’s most vulnerable children, including: safe water and sanitation, health care and immunizations, nutrition, education, and more. ❤️

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