Jambo John!
Oh my gosh, life’s synchronicities are sometimes unbelievable. For example, I was just asked about “Kids, Money, Boundaries and Manifesting”—how to teach them they can have it all, when there’s a family budget or time constraints? Ironically, this is exactly what I’m dealing with…

My daughter and I have recently decided to co-author a brand new book, How to Train a Dog (cover at right). We only just started, have written 9 tiny pages, and she wonders why it doesn’t yet look like my other books (printed, bound, and mass produced).

Simultaneously, inspired by some wild YouTube videos, she wants to build an off-the-grid extension to our home in the backyard, perhaps in a tree or maybe underground. We’re to pick up the building materials this Saturday, and finish on Sunday.

Meanwhile, with various D.I.Y. kid-kits cracked open, she’s already committed to her calendar (also for this weekend), that we’re to open a retail stand in the neighborhood, Sunset Spe-shel-te(s), offering lemonade, fairy lanterns and homemade jewelry.

Well, “I’d rather tame a lion, than have to create one,” someone may have once said. It’s not the dreaming that’s a problem, I answered. But that we too often put off our happiness until our dreams manifest—too blinded by our desires to enjoy what has already shown up in our lives. Fortunately, I added, kids don’t often do that, until they grow up.

It’ll be a busy month, hallelujah, not to mention extra spelling practice. 

Don’t forget to be happy!
John, 130,000 people have watched my free video series, Your Wish is the Universe’s Commandnow IT'S BACK by popular demand! ❤️ 

When: It starts March 2nd  
What: 3 videos about doing less and getting MORE ⚖️
Price: Free! Gratis! Already yours! 

The first video, The Art of Performing Miracles, begins in...
John, join me and Infinite Possibilities Members every TUESDAY for a brand new Mini-Manifesting Workshop! ✨

Here's what we're talking about in MARCH:

Tuesday, March 2: Prepare for a Torrent of Goodness
Tuesday, March 9: Enjoy the Weirdness
Tuesday, March 16: Get Ecstatic
Tuesday, March 23: Give in Gratitude (Over Zoom w/Break Out)
Tuesday, March 30: Mastermind Q&A (Over Zoom w/Break Out)

John, have you ever wanted to...

  • Teach others about life’s magic and their power? ✨
  • Deepen your own understanding of life’s truths?
  • Use your unique gifts to make a difference in the world?
  • Create a profitable business sharing your message?
  • Become part of a community of change-makers?

If so, then this event is for you!Wherever you are in the world… I’m inviting you to attend, take part in the amazing energy, and become an Infinite Possibilities CERTIFIED Trainer from the comfort of your home.

These were some of my most popular tune-ups this month:
Tune-in LIVE weekdays at 9:15 am ET on: 
by Mike Dooley

by Debra Devilbiss

by Kathryn Eriksen

by Nikki Starcat Shields

by Lauren Crute

Do you want to write for us? We're now accepting article submissions for our blog.

John, we're continuing to support Feeding America, as our charity of the month. Too many people in the United States are without food and waiting in record-breaking lines (the likes of which we haven't seen in decades). Our goal is to raise $100,000 (I've donated $20,000!), and we're getting super close... please help if you can!