Happy March John!
What a lot the world is going through!

It’s made me think about why these times are so special to me:

The conversations that have never been had. The passion, the people, and their deeply held convictions for all of us living better lives. Peace in almost every nation. Global cooperation being the rule.

All of us being pressed to innovate. Seeing challenges overcome. New dreams being born. And previously unknown pathways being blazed – like crypto currencies, alternative energies, and new ideas for green living.

Seeing how quickly things can change for the better.

The heartwarming unpredictability of the movie, Encanto.

Discovering the enormous trove of books about enlightenment that have been available for decades (where was I?!), some are listed here. And how increasingly receptive people are to metaphysics.

Our rare family getaways. And, whether we travel or not, family.
Sunrises, coffee, planting things that grow, and giggling girls. Cigars, but finally in moderation!

You, John.

I could go on…. What are your favorite things? Please share in the comments below this letter on my Facebook page.

In love,
P.S. We have never offered open doors like this before to our Infinite Possibilities Membership… please, come on in, browse, and join the Mini-Manifesting Workshop this morning, FREE, click here. 😊
John, every Tuesday morning, I broadcast a LIVE Mini-Manifesting Workshop for Infinite Possibilities Members. These workshops often include:  

  • Manifesting tips, tools, and techniques
  • Guided visualizations
  • Encouraging riffs on your beauty and power
  • Affirmations to restore and empower

You are hereby invited to JOIN US FREE for 30 days!❤️
This offer ends on March 8, so please don't wait.
Here's what we'll be discussing at each Mini-Manifesting Workshop in March!

TODAY, March 1 - How to Move Energy into Form (join us free!)
Tuesday, March 8 - Unleashing Your Greater Self
Tuesday, March 15 - Assembling Your Angels and Guides
Tuesday, March 22*- Hitting the Sweet Spot of Every Manifestation
Tuesday, March 29 – A Special "Life Wake-Up Call"

*On 3/22, you'll get the opportunity to meet like-minded people in Zoom break-out groups!

John, our Infinite Possibilities Conference starts THURSDAY!

We have people attending from all over the world: Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Japan, Croatia, Canada, the United States and beyond. 🌎

Wherever you are, you can join us virtually, take part in the amazing energy, and become an Infinite Possibilities CERTIFIED Trainer! Plus, we have scholarships available for those in need of financial assistance. ❤️

This conference only happens once every 6-12 months, please don't miss it.

John, is your passport up to date? We’re going to Scotland!

Spend 9 amazing days with me and like-minded thinkers… exploring the breathtaking countryside, staying in exquisite locations, and jamming together on life, dreams & happiness. If you're interested in joining us, inquire soon! 🏰

John, in this recent podcast episode I discuss:

➤➤ How can we visualize NOT doing something harmful? What are the pros and cons of comfort and discomfort? What’s the difference between knowing versus believing? How powerful is our intention?
🎧 Listen now on:Apple*Spotify*Google Podcasts
by Lena Banzer

by Laurie Jonas

by Amanda Gold

by Mirja Camphausen

by Patricia S. Wild

Do you want to write for us? 
We're now accepting article submissions for our blog.

John, our Charity: Water campaign has been a HUGE success and I'm continuing to MATCH DONATIONS! Together we've raised over 2.5 million dollars to bring clean drinking water to children and families who need it the most! Will you help us reach more people and change more lives?

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