Jambo John!

Have you had a chance to travel since COVID began?

I’ve done very little… until last month.

TUT hosted its 29th WOW (Wonders of the World) Tour in Scotland, and “Wow!” I think every one of the 70+ “Globe Tutters” had the time of their lives. My wife and I certainly did. We loved being in Europe again, in fun hotels, others planning our days, the food and romance, even spent a few extra days in Amsterdam. 
My greatest trepidation was how our daughter would manage without us, for 11 days, since we’d virtually never left her alone (with family) before.

As the dates approached, I became increasingly worried she may become inconsolable, and my wife might have to cut short the trip to get home early.

To my great surprise, she didn’t shed a single tear over our absence. And still, the homecoming was filled with hugs and kisses.

When I casually asked if she missed me at all, she hesitated and replied, “OH, YES, Daddy! Whenever I had problems with my tablet or phone!” 🤣

If you love travel, John, and if you haven’t already, I hope you get to do some really soon… worry free.

To the skies, 💗
John, big news! The doors are NOW OPEN for my brand-new 7-DAY Creative Visualization Adventure. 💗🧘🏽‍♀️

The last time I hosted a Visualization Adventure was in 2020 and 17,000 people joined us. I expect this one to be even more amazing!

Here’s how it works:  

✔️ The adventure starts November 10, 2022
✔️ Every day, for 7 days, you’ll receive a new visualization video + exercise
✔️ It will feel like it’s just you and me, imagining your life in full bloom
✔️ You'll also receive a gorgeous Creative Visualization Workbook
✔️ Plus, I'll be hosting 2 LIVE Creative Visualization Workshops (90 min. each)
✔️ And... you can choose what to pay!

John, this book. 

I’m super jazzed to have written the Foreword for this book that debuts TODAY! The Council is a collective of ascended masters channeled by Sara Landon. Totally WOW content. John, this is your lifetime to SELF-REALIZE!

John, get all your holiday shopping done in one swoop! Everyone needs a calendar... and the Notes from the Universe Perpetual Calendar will last year after year.

  • $3 OFF TODAY!
  • Volume discounts
  • 366 Notes from the Universe
  • Gorgeous art on every page

John, my Spiritual Tune-Ups Podcast is now a TOP 100 spiritual podcast! Here's what I shared last month...

➤➤ How can we go from loneliness to LOVE and from broke to RICHES? How can we help others who don’t want our help? How do we tame our egos so that we can focus on what’s really important? Why do we have to ask our angels for help when they already know we need it? And lots more...
🎧 Listen now on:Apple*Spotify*Google Podcasts

If you leave a review, I’ll send you a gift!🎁
Just email a screenshot of your review to review@tut.com.
John, 771 million people lack basic access to clean and safe drinking water. How is this possible when the rest of us still have smart phones? The water crisis is massive, but together we’re already making a huge difference. Please donate today to Charity:Water. 100% of your generosity will bring clean water to children and families around the world.


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