Jambo John!
I’m reading more this year than I have in the past 20 years. Which, doesn’t actually mean I’ve read that much. Most of what I’m reading is on my new favorite topic, enlightenment. As in, “how to be” or, as in, “being fully self-realized.” Enlightenment, I’m now sure, is several levels above awakening. A level in which one truly, moment by moment, sees through the illusions that have otherwise captivated us, living a supernatural life of grace, abundance, and ease. Clearly, a state worth attaining.

Again and again, a few recurring themes keep showing up that help me to self-check my priorities and refresh my take on this wild year of all years, 2020.

First is, how utterly unimportant most things are that, heretofore, we (I) had often thought were very important. Like getting more done, making more money, being appreciated, and innovating. All of which are quite cool, they’re just not nearly as important as we (I) tend to think. 

Second, being fully awakened is ultimately achieved through heart-centered living, and is our natural state. While living as we (I) tend to, achieved through intellectual thoughtfulness, is deeply problematic and far more difficult. Not that being head smart can’t pay massive dividends, too. But when used to complement our feelings, instead of deny them… magic follows.

By combining these two ah-has, I’m blessing 2020 as the year I’ve begun raising my own estimations of play, simplicity, and serving, as I finally get out of my own way, moment by moment, tuning into what my heart is feeling.

What have been your ah-has this year? Please let me know!!

Happy October (and Happy Halloween)! 🎃
I could never have imagined 20 years ago how writing the first Note from the Universe would lead to thousands, sent to millions, via billions of emails. Apart from family, writing these have been the greatest honor of my life 🎖️.

I have YOUR open heart and mind to thank for this, John! 🙏 Where would I be without you?

Serendipitously, the largest volume of Notes ever published dropped this week. I wish I could give these away too, but at least those who do buy a copy will know they’re keeping the Notes flowing, including to many subscribers who could never afford it. And for those overachievers ❤️ who buy 12 copies, maybe for holiday gifts, I can’t wait to personally speak with you on the telephone really soon… YES!! 

John, these were some of my most popular tune-ups this month!
Tune-in LIVE weekdays at 9:15 am ET on: 
This video will electrify you...
John,when I saw this video, it made me cry. I realized how you and I can immediately impact what happens next on planet Earth. Each day, we are writing the script for humanity’s future... and here's how we can help...