Jambo John!

Every now and then, not as often as I’d like, a thought drops into my head that really gives me pause.

Last month it happened on such a grand scale that it still lingers with me:

While considering the illusory nature of time, space, and matter, and therefore that life is an inside job (inside the mind of “God” and ourselves because there is no outside!), it follows that our physical senses actually reveal what lies within.

This means, John Do, when you look around at the world, or even into an infinite night sky, you’re actually looking within, at whatever you’re thinking, believing, and expecting at that moment… and that everything, everyone, and everywhere is just “more you.” 🌌

Which illustrates a few ideas you’ve heard before: We are all one, of “God,” and whenever you want to bring about a life change, you must first change yourself.

I hope that does for you, what it does for me. 🤯

Happy September!
P.S. To avoid any overwhelm, John, be comforted by the fact that you are really, really good at manifesting change, and now that you know why, it’ll be even easier.
John, my Virtual Certification Conference starts in 6 days!

This event may be for you if:
💗 You feel called to a path of service
💗 You love inspiring and empowering others
💗 You want to TEACH the truth about life’s magic and our power!
You’ll become CERTIFIED to teach all that I teach about life, dreams, and happiness. Plus, you'll join my amazing rock-star team of over 3,000 Infinite Possibilities Certified Trainers who are improving life on earth.

$15.95, $8.95

$15.95, $8.95

$29.00, $27.00

$16.95, $7.95

$9.95, $7.95

$129.40, $29.95

$79.95, $19.95

John, start your packing list! 🌴🏖️🚢

  • Sunscreen & glasses
  • Beachy-cool clothes
  • Favorite books, journals, playlists
  • Travel partner (or meet one there?)
  • Address book to add new friends
  • Dancing shoes
  • Treasure map!

Spend 9 magical days with me & like-minded thinkers as we explore TAHITI! 

John, every Tuesday morning like-minded thinkers and I meet virtually for a new Mini-Manifesting Workshop! ☕🖋️🌞 

This month we'll be talking about: Spiritual Power Tools, Techniques & Tricks  

Tuesday, September 5 - The Art of Perspective Hopping  
Tuesday, September 12 - Creating Rites and Rituals for Empowerment 
Tuesday, September 19 - Developing Your Automatic Writing Muscle 
Tuesday, September 26 - Using Crystals to Amplify Your Intentions

John, are you listening to my Spiritual Tune-Ups Podcast? If not, you’re missing out!

“Inspiring, humble, funny, and radically different.” 💗 “I absolutely love your Spiritual Tune-Ups podcast.” 💗 “You always feel better after listening to Mike.” 💗 "I start each day with a Spiritual Tune-Up from Mike Dooley while I’m getting ready for work or driving in my car. The Tune-Ups are positive, engaging, and inspiring! What a great way to start the day!"
🎧 Listen now on:Apple*Spotify*Google Podcasts
If you leave a review, I’ll send you a gift! 🎁
Just email a screenshot of your review to review@tut.com.
John, what would you do for clean water??

For those without it, the answer is anything. Walk in 115ºF heat. Set out at 3 a.m. Sleep next to a well. All for water that’s unsafe to drink. After all, it’s better than nothing. They don’t have a choice. But you do. This month, charity: water is asking us to do something — anything! — to raise money. Along with bringing clean water to as many people as possible, you can win exclusive prizes — including getting the chance to see your impact firsthand.

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