Jambo John!
Haven’t you found, John, that it’s your “firsts,” that become your proudest moments? Sometimes your most humbling? Sometimes your most memorable?

The first day of school, the first kiss, the first job or traffic ticket, and many more similar memories are all emblazoned in our minds. Some we controlled, others, not as much. But those we sought and moved into, even when they scared us, are the ones that defined our lives.

Some of my most memorable, like:

  1. sending my first inspirational email (to 36 people),
  2. stepping onto my first stage (in front of 12 people), and
  3. asking my Spanish-speaking-only future-wife, through Google Translate, out on our first date,

were so extremely simple, yet led to the most radical, unimaginably awesome, shifts in my life. 

And it’s these types of firsts, that we do have control over, that take so little to initiate, that often have the biggest impact of all. Which too often, ironically, aren’t even initiated, because it just seems too implausible that our feeble little baby steps would even succeed, much less transform our lives.

What little steps have you taken, John, that changed everything, forever and ever? Please share your answers here.

Let’s keep stepping, John, and Happy October!

Thoughts become things,
P.S. Another first that’s already changed my life, and looks to do the same for many others, is launching our new Mastermind Membership. Thanks goes to each of our 3,000 new members who took that first step with me. If you’d like to try it out for a month, free, we have a deal for you! See below.
Infinite Possibilities 10-Year Anniversary Edition!!
The 10-year anniversary edition of my New York Times bestselling book Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams releases next week! In celebration, if you pre-order the book, you'll receive a FREE month of Infinite Possibilities Membership and a special LIVE event recording!
John, there are only a few tour stops left this year! This might be the last opportunity to see me LIVE before World Tour IV is over.

Make This Your New Spiritual Ritual...
John, after an amazing membership launch, with 3,000 new members joining from all over the world, we took a short sabbatical to rest from the excitement. Now my Infinite Possibilities Membership is back open. 
Soulapalooza * November 7th - 10th
Early-Bird Discount Ends October 17th
20 years ago I dreamed of hosting an annual gathering for Notes from the Universe readers... and SOULAPALOOZA is it! This year’s theme is Thriving in a Magical Universe and people are flying in from all over the world.

The final early-bird discount ends October 17th.
The Spirit of Santa Fe WOW Tour
John, twice a year I travel with like-minded thinkers to some of the most sacred and mind-expanding places in the world. Next year we're going to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Space is limited, so act soon if you want to join us.

This is one of our most affordable WOW Tours of all time. If you've ever wanted to join us, now is the time.

Blog Posts We LOVE
Loving * Helping * Sharing * Doctors Without Borders
John, the world is a wonderful place! The work these doctors, nurses, and mental health professionals are doing is truly astounding. They're bringing medical care to people in crisis regardless of race, religion, or politics. We're 75% of the way to reaching our goal of $50,000 - Will you help??

Thanks for the hundreds of emails you send us each week.
You give us our wings!

"Your messages are the VERY first thing I look at each and every weekday, before my meditation. Thank you for providing such a great lifting off place for me every day." - Way

"In a world of uncertainty, rapid thought, constant doubt and the guaranteed stresses... your Notes are a perfectly timed shift in energy, sparkle of joy, blip of beauty, and something that always takes my hand and reminds me of my center. My being. My inner self." - Jenna

"My dream has always been to have a home on the water. Tracy and I moved into our little home on Lake Lanier last month and we absolutely love it. I write this sitting on my deck, overlooking the water, sipping my coffee like I do every morning now. Thanks for this great perspective on life." - Douglas
WOW, emails like this humble us.
Please help us spread the word and inspire more people...