| | | | By Fred Lucas
Journalists’ interactions on Twitter show that those delivering news on government and politics to most Americans live in “more insular microbubbles than previously thought,” the study says. | |
| | | By Victor Davis Hanson
The NFL essentially has greenlighted the sort of activism that in the past few years has been eating away the league’s profits. | |
| | | By Zack Smith
Is Adelman sorry for inappropriately attacking the chief justice in a personal manner, inappropriately attacking the sitting president in a partisan manner, and inappropriately attacking the Republican Party, or is he just sorry for not couching those same partisan attacks in more politically palatable terms? | |
| | | By Chuck Ross
William Barr details steps that Apple, Zoom, and Google have taken to appease China’s communist government, such as self-censoring content available through their services. | |
| | | By Lindsey Burke
Overall, the data suggest that it is rare for children to develop severe symptoms if they contract the coronavirus, and it is rare for them to spread the virus if they do get it. | |
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