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June 11, 2020
Critics say defunding the police is controversial. But continuing to pay for the status quo is crazy.
By David Roth
Now Do LincolnProtesters are tearing down statues of Columbus and other villains of history. The true test will come when they reckon with their heroes.

By Nick Martin
The Police’s “Sheepdog” ProblemTwenty percent of cops are military veterans—and some are fighting to rid policing of fear-based training and a testosterone-fueled culture.
By Jasper Craven
The Disappearing Backlash to Black Lives MatterAmericans are slowly, but surely, growing tired of broad societal injustices—and less susceptible to the right’s mechanisms of racial resentment.
By Osita Nwanevu
America’s Top General Isn’t That SorryMark Milley apologized for his photo op with Trump, but not for the violence he visited on American protesters.
By Adam Weinstein
When Mr. Sloan Went to WashingtonSam Sloan is a college dropout, an ex-con, and a polygamist. He is also the last non-lawyer to win a case at the Supreme Court.
By J.C. Hallman
Reactionary Unions Don’t Just Back Police. They Also Back Fossil Fuels.The left-leaning labor movement is home to a few highly intransigent anti-reform groups. How should labor respond?
By Kate Aronoff
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