MPR News UpdateAM edition
Good morning! It's going to be cloudy and cool this morning with likely showers and thunderstorms (grab the umbrella, just in case). Anderson Cooper is pushing back on a social media post of him in standing water while reporting on hurricanes . Conspiracy theorists claim Cooper was making the water look deeper than it was. Cooper responded to the claims on CNN. But Bob Collins argues TV reporters don't need to stand in water to "get the shot." Read more on NewsCut.  | What's on MPR News? | Forecast
Twin Cities companies expand perks to attract, keep employees
With the unemployment rate down in the low single digits, employers often lament they're having a hard time finding employees. Economists are stumped at why wages haven't gone up in response. But many organizations are enhancing benefits to help attract and retain employees.
'Never seen a dentist': Oral health suffers among Minnesota refugees

Cultural practices, resettlement struggles and the challenges of finding dentists who'll take Medicaid patients make good oral hygiene extremely difficult for refugees. Advocates say it's a serious health issue that can lead to future health problems.

Battle for the Senate: Candidates in key races respond to Kavanaugh allegations

NPR reached out to candidates in the major 2018 Senate races, including Democrats facing pressure to support Brett Kavanaugh and GOP candidates raising doubts over timing of the sexual assault claim. | Election 2018

Poll: Minnesotans were split on Kavanaugh even before allegations

Even before sexual assault allegations surfaced against U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh over the weekend, Minnesotans were closely split on whether he should be confirmed to the nation's highest court.

China vows 'counter-measures' to U.S. tariff hike

China said Tuesday it will take "counter-measures" to U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to raise tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese imports and an American business group warned a "downward spiral" in their trade battle appears certain.

Second murder trial in Greywind case begins Tuesday
The murder case against the second person accused in the death of Savanna Greywind begins Tuesday in Fargo.
Japanese billionaire books first moonshot aboard SpaceX's 'Big Falcon Rocket'

Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa stood before the audience gathered at SpaceX headquarters Monday evening and was greeted by cheers when he echoed a line from a famous speech by President John F. Kennedy, proclaiming "I choose to go to the moon."

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