Twitter files reveal shocking collusion - Big Government and Big Tech silencing conservatives
Mike Adams

A second massive drop of internal Twitter communications reveals further evidence that under old management, the platform was a tool of the far-left authoritarian deep state weaponized against right-thinking conservative points of view.

This proves that federal government agencies violated the Constitution and broke the law, conspiring with tech giants to silence anyone opposed to rigged elections, mRNA jabs, masking, lockdowns and more.

Everything we warned about is now confirmed. It was all deliberate and malicious. Criminal, even.

See the full story here.

P.S. I posted several short podcasts over the weekend: Why it's time to indict Big Tech over censorship, why rampant denialism persists among the uninformed masses, how being frugal will help you survive the financial reset, why 2023 will be the year of massive layoffs, and more. Check out these and much more at my Brighteon channel page:

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