The Verge | In a series of tweets posted this evening under its support channel, Twitter said that its internal systems were compromised by the hackers, confirming theories that the attack could not have been conducted without access to the company’s own tools and employee privileges.
BetterCloud Monitor | We found that Gartner’s insights validate many of the components of BetterCloud’s SaaSOps framework. And we fully confess to reveling in the feeling of validation! In this blog post, we’ll recap the report highlights.
Mashable | The San Jose-based video conferencing company announced its first Zoom from Home device on Wednesday. It's a partnership with DTEN, also based in San Jose, which makes corporate video conferencing equipment.
Reuters | Google records what people are doing on hundreds of thousands of mobile apps even when they follow the company’s recommended settings for stopping such monitoring, a lawsuit seeking class action status alleged on Tuesday.
Fast Company | Your email correspondence is rife with tasks you can automate using Gmail’s templates feature.
How-To Geek | Creating hyper-focused channels in Slack makes it easy to stay on topic but hard to see all of the important messages. Use Slack’s Reacji Channeler to automatically copy important messages to specific channels using emoji reactions.
G Suite Updates | To increase the privacy of education meetings in Google Meet, anonymous users (users not signed into a Google account) can no longer join meetings organized by anyone with a G Suite for Education or G Suite Enterprise for Education license.
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