Have a navigation menu or footer that you want to keep in harmony across all the project pages? Make it a Symbol within Site Designer to simplify your workload!
Symbols are elements or groups of elements that are kept the same throughout a project. When one instance of a symbol is updated, all other instances in the project will be changed as well.
The Component Library lets you save and reuse content, rescuing you from repetitive design work and speeds up production time. Craft image carousels, style buttons, construct a mobile menu, make popovers — anything you can dream up!
Components work across projects too. This is awesome if you work with a team. You can be sure your company branding and style choices are always being used.
Start building your components library today with Site Designer V4 for just $99. If you'd like a jump start, the MATCO theme is a dedicated design for the Materialize component collection.