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Greetings, Friend!

It’s been a while since I’ve touched base. For most of the year I have had my head down on two major projects and am only now coming up for air. I’ve nearly completed working on a book with Pastor Jim Cymbala of the Brooklyn Tabernacle and another book of my own. (More on what these are closer to publication.)

Just let me say that it has been a joy to work with Pastor Cymbala and the Brooklyn Tabernacle and that I am very excited about the book we are writing together. Since it is not yet finished, I would covet your prayers for its completion. Please pray that God will help us to finish it soon and that he will use it to bring people all over the world to himself. I think it has that kind of potential.

Praying the Names of God Meanwhile, I also wanted you to know that two of my books are going into paperback for the first time after only being available in hardcover. If you are looking for a fresh approach to reading and praying Scripture, these may be worth checking out.

Praying the Names of Jesus If you happen to be in or near Grand Rapids, Michigan on October 13, I will be signing books at Kregel Parable Christian Store at 4014 Chicago Drive, S.W., in Grandville from 6:45 to 8pm. I’d love to meet you!

Whatever is happening in your life, I pray that God will use your circumstances to draw you close, for he is both creative and powerful enough to turn even the worst of your challenges to good. Please feel free to contact me at if you have anything you would like me to pray for.

Meanwhile, I pray that Christ will reveal himself to you, fill you with grace, and use you in surprising and powerful ways to bear fruit for his kingdom.

In Jesus’s Love,


Ann Spangler

Ann Spangler and Company

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