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Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Top Stories

Two weeks to go for the FM Expo 2017

With little under 20 days to go for the FM Expo 2017, fmME analyses important topics and discussions that will feature at the Facilities Management Congress Middle East

Dubai urges games and ride operators to exercise caution

Dubai Municipality's Health and Safety Department has urged operators of games and recreational areas to ensure the health and safety of the rides available with them

Cofely Besix Facility Management receives NADCA membership

Cofely Besix Facility Management (CBFM) has been awarded membership to NADCA (The National Air Duct Cleaners Association)

Dubai asks medical waste management firms to exercise caution

Dubai Municipality recognises company's efforts to achieve sustainability through waste minimisation and recycling

Seven Tides to develop 14-storey project on Dubai’s Palm Jumeirah

The 14-storey Seven Residences will feature 1,066 serviced apartments, podium-level F&B outlets, a retail space, and a rooftop infinity pool

Water desalination plant to be awarded in Oman

Oman Power and Water Procurement Company (OPWP) will award an independent seawater desalination project in Sharqiyah in October 2017.

UAE's Tabreed elects four new board members

National Central Cooling Company (Tabreed) has announced the election of four new members to the company’s board of directors

Renewable pumping systems on the rise

Krzysztof Myslinski, executive manager, business development & product management, Grundfos, provides information on pump systems that offer the perfect water supply solution

Features & Interviews

Five minutes with Kiran Dommeti, MJB Group

Dommeti gives an insight into being operations director of MJB Group, directly looking into the day-to-day running of the 2000-plus strong roster at MJB Group

FM product guide September 2017

Products launches and news that’s relevant to the FM industry

Specialised cleaning products on focus at GulfHost 2017

Cleaning, hygiene and maintaining food and beverage outlets is a specialists’ task, at the inaugural GulfHost 2017 experts will address facilities managers concerns


The importance of PR and communications in FM

FM companies that fail to communicate news and press material to the right industry platforms are missing out on the business benefits of doing so

Rehabilitation of clinics in Qurayat public hospitals
Maintenance, cleaning and non medical operation of Qaisouma, Suairah and mental hospitals in Hafr Al Batin


Video: Details of Dubai’s District 2020 revealed
Video: What will the UAE’s $6.5bn Aljada district look like?
In Pictures: World's longest zip line under development in UAE

Special Reports

Otis's Jamaraat Bridge installation completes 10 years
Cloud is taking over elevator maintenance
Thyssenkrupp’s elevator innovation nears completion
magazine cover image COVER STORY
Face-to-Face: Alex Davies, managing director, Emrill Facilities Management
Riad Raad
Advertising Director, B2B Digital
Direct: +971 4 444 3319
GSM: +971 50 702 2970
Vinay Ravindran
Sales Manager
Direct: +971 4 444 3155
GSM: +971 55 810 1197
Nikhil Pereira
Deputy Editor, Facilities Management Middle East
+971 4 444 3426
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