27 Sep 2024 Subscribe | Contact Us
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Wards Intelligence Data Update

Europe Vehicle Production, Q2 2024

Europe vehicle production by manufacturer and country for total vehicles and light vehicles for 2nd quarter 2024.

Asia Vehicle Sales, July 2024

Asia vehicle sales by company region, company and country for total vehicles and light vehicles for July 2024.

China Vehicle Production, August 2024

China vehicle production by vehicle type and manufacturer for August 2024.

China Vehicle Sales, August 2024

China vehicle sales by vehicle type and company for August 2024.

World Vehicle Sales, August 2024

World vehicle sales by region for total vehicles and light vehicles for August 2024.

U.S. Light Vehicle Sales & Inventory Forecast, September 2024

U.S. light vehicle sales and inventory forecast by company and by source and vehicle type for September 2024. Includes SAAR...

Mexico Truck Sales by Weight Class, August 2024

Mexico truck sales by weight class for August 2024.