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Tuesday, 15 December 2020

UAE's dark kitchen business to double off back of coronavirus pandemic

Share of online food orders to reach 16% of total food services in the UAE by 2023, accounting...
UAE starts coronavirus vaccinations in capital
At least 45 hospitals and clinics are equipped with the vaccine in Abu Dhabi
How a 28-year-old Saudi entrepreneur turned loss into success
Adwa al Dakheel says female empowerment is about investing in one's self as new campaign by...

Why going digital is a matter of survival for businesses

Digital platforms are now a must-have for companies, says Amazon exec
Kuwait post-election cabinet has new finance, oil ministers
New parliament convenes on Tuesday amid what could be a battle for the post of speaker
How Dubai is leading the global charge in branded residences
Dubai is forecast to become the world's largest city based on pipeline branded residential schemes

Video: How Saudi entrepreneur turned loss into success

Adwa al Dakheel says female empowerment is about investing in one's self as new campaign by...
Editor's Choice

Air traffic between UK and Dubai to climb by a third in December

Bookings are double what's been experienced in previous months, says Dubai Airports CEO Paul...
Dubai business conditions deteriorate as coronavirus weighs on demand
Employment figures continued to stabilise after having dipped to the lowest on record earlier...
Explosion rocks Singapore-flagged tanker off Saudi port
No group has so far claimed responsibility for the blast on the tanker BW Rhine

Coping with anxiety and uncertainty

Dr Catherine Frogley, Clinical Psychologist (DClinPsy, UK) with the Lighthouse Arabia discusses...
Featured Analysis

What Emaar's decision to pause building means for Dubai's property market

Experts says moratorium on construction will help stabilise real estate sector, may be followed...
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