
Uber CEO Reveals Formula To Profitability
Customers Accelerating Their Digital Transformation, Says HPE CEO
Scale is the primary driver toward profitability, says Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi. It’s getting big.

Customers continue to accelerate their digital transformation and take advantage of the explosion of data.
Netflix Is Damn Formidable The Mall Is More or Less Dead
Disney’s got an awful lot to work with but Netflix is damn formidable, says former Tivo CEO Tom Rogers. The mall is more or less dead except in 279 great cases where we’ve got fabulous malls out there.

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Bitcoin is Bad, Blockchain Is Revolutionizing Huge Wave Of Digital Transformation
Bitcoin as its implemented and implementation of blockchain and distributed ledger I assert is bad, says VMware CEO. There’s a huge wave of digital transformation, says Salesforce co-CEO Keith Block.
Live Video To Build Your Customer Base Zebra Tech Tracking Technology Integrating Deep Into Sports and Business
People are prioritizing digital transformation as a way to gain competitive advantage, says Equinix CEO Charles Meyers. The tracking system we have with the NFL is actually considered to be the best by the broadcasters and coaches.

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