Travis Kalanick, Uber's chief executive, says the company has initiated an investigation into an accusation by a female ex-employee that she was sexually harassed and that, when she brought the matter to the attention of the human resources department, her complaints were ignored. Susan Fowler, an engineer who now works for Stripe, wrote a detailed account of the matter on her personal blog.
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President Donald Trump's federal hiring freeze could increase the risk to federal programs already threatened by employee shortages, said Comptroller General Gene Dodaro of the Government Accountability Office. He recommends "a budget or workforce plan" rather than a long-term hiring freeze, citing skills gaps combined with a high number of federal employees reaching retirement age.
Successful female leaders have "leadership energy," or dogged determination that propels them forward, even during adversity. This article showcases three high-achieving women who demonstrate this energy and discusses how leadership development must change to foster this quality.
Health care disparities still exist between insured low- and high-wage workers, with low-wage workers less likely to receive preventive care and more likely to seek care in the emergency department and to be hospitalized for conditions that could have been treated earlier in primary care, according to a study in Health Affairs. Even when preventive services are free or low cost, low health literacy and inability to miss work for medical appointments are barriers to care, says Dr. Bruce Sherman, the study's lead author.
Leaders should help employees understand exactly what their roles in the company are and the value they bring, writes David Grossman. "Challenge your employees to think about what they do and how they contribute in context of your team's goals, as well as the organization's overall strategy," he writes.