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Working on the budget section in a Project Proposal can be a time-consuming process. This video will train you on how to easily develop your budget and how to relate it to your project. Learn the complete process of planning in your project budget and present the winning proposal to your donor.
UK Aid funded Programme seeking proposals for 3-year Innovation & Scale-up Grants

Request for Concept Notes: 3-Year Innovation Grant (2023-2025)
What Works 2 is interested in testing innovative approaches and developing promising collaborations to take VAWG prevention work in new directions...[more]

Request for Proposals: 3-Year Scale-Up Grant (2023-2025)
In funding Window 1, What Works 2 will award one 3-year GBP 4 million scale-up grant through an open competition call to organisations or consortia designed to achieve a measurable reduction in VAWG in development and humanitarian contexts, including for the most marginalised women and girls...[more]
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