| | Wall-e U-Command Nerf Turret by Kevr102 | |
| | Oven Baked Charming Cheese Sandwich by RosaliaRose | |
| | Restore and Modify: 1981 Yamaha XS-400 Motorcycle by JWMinstruct | |
| | Electrified Cobweb Card by Bling the Book | |
| | Cured Egg Yolk, Salmon and Avocado Open Sandwich by Mimikry | |
| | LDR Color Sensor by Niubit | |
| | Telescope Electronic Focuser by ghethco | |
| | Homemade Falafel in Fresh Pita Bread by Octopus whisperer | |
| | Chinese Pocket Sandwich (肉夹馍) by babybayrs | |
| | How to Make a Portable Wind Turbine by adriancubas | |
| | DIY Solar Bottle Lamp - V2.0 by opengreenenergy | |
| | Refreshing My Road Bike by useridsam | |
| | Waffle Ice Cream Sandwiches by Brooklyntonia | |
| | "Walk N' Roll" Mechanism by gzumwalt | |