TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 9, 2017

Like the Shoes You Order From Amazon, Opioids Are Made in China and Arrive Directly at Your Doorstep

By Anna Sanford, AlterNet

As the opioid crisis worsens, preventative measures are hard to comeby in our increasingly technology-driven and globalized world. READ MORE»

'Conduct that Shocks the Conscience': South Dakota Forcibly Catheterizes a Toddler in the Name of the War on Drugs

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

The barbaric practice—or the threat of it—is not uncommonly used on drug defendants in the benighted state, but toddlers, too? READ MORE»

Joe and Mika Owe America An Apology

By Peter Dreier, AlterNet

The “Morning Joe” cohosts are partly responsible for Trump becoming president. READ MORE»

California Has the Means to Create a Single-Payer Health System, Despite the Assembly Speaker's Decision to Stop a Single-Payer Bill

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

The Assembly can still take up the bill, says the California Nurses Association. READ MORE»

Neil deGrasse Tyson Owes Fans a More Honest Conversation About GMOs than 'Food Evolution'

By Stacy Malkan, AlterNet

By promoting Monsanto's corporate propaganda, Tyson risks losing many of his devoted fans. READ MORE»

The Surprising Positive Power of Walking

By Jay Walljasper, AlterNet

Communities who walk reap economic opportunities, environmental improvements, and health benefits. READ MORE»

Trump’s Mika Tweets Were Gruesome—But the 'Resistance' Needs to Stop Fainting Every Time He Says Something Inflammatory

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Trump's Twitter abuse of Mika Brzezinski was just daily outrage fodder—and as usual we all took the bait. READ MORE»

Sheriff's Deputy Shoots and Kills Asian Teen the Night Before His High School Graduation

By Celisa Calacal, AlterNet

Police later found that the man was holding a pen, not a knife as reported. READ MORE»

Minneapolis Just Adopted a $15 Minimum Wage in a Landslide Vote

By Lauren Kaori Gurley, AlterNet

City council members credit the hard work of grassroots labor organizations. READ MORE»

Neurologist and Gut Specialist Claims to Possess Cure Mainstream Doctors Don't Want You to Know About

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

The chemicals your brain needs in order to be fully functional are produced in the gut.  READ MORE»

History Has Already Prepared Us For Resistance, If Only We'd Listen

By Patricia Jackson , AlterNet

Forty-three people with disabilities being hauled away from the sit-in at Senator McConnell's office reminds us of disability rights activists actions of 1977, and why we must keep resisting. READ MORE»

Why Does Donald Trump Insist on More Military Spending?

By Medea Benjamin, Kate Harveston , AlterNet

Americans are experiencing war fatigue, but with this administration, there's no end in sight. READ MORE»

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: Reasons to Support BDS

By Ariella Azoulay, OR Books

The BDS movement sets out to accomplish three goals. READ MORE»

17 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

By Jacky Miller, AlterNet

Apple cider vinegar has been lauded as a miracle fluid. But to fully benefit, it helps to separate the myths from the facts. READ MORE»

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