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Video: How a side hustle can help you pay down debt
When you need to pay off debt quickly, you can pray for a raise -- or increase your income independently, with a side hustle. Mimi Johnson, of St. Louis, explains how she made a side hustle work for her, and some bumps in the road to watch out for if you take this route.
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Charged Up! Podcast: Becoming financially literate
Charged Up! Podcast: Becoming financially literate
Professor Arshad Ahmad has been teaching finance for 25 years. In this episode, he talks about what financial literacy is, how to become financially literate, the motivations behind our spending mentality and how to get on the path to financial security.
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Poll: 9 out of 10 millennials admit to impulse buys
Poll: 9 out of 10 millennials admit to impulse buys
In a survey of U.S. adults, 9 out of 10 millennials confess to impulsive spending. The numbers are even higher among the youngest millennials, ages 25 and younger: 95 percent saying they’ve made an impulse buy.
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5 free tools to stop recurring card charges
2017 Balance Transfer Survey: Act now before 0% deals dry up
If you’re looking to transfer a high-interest balance to a credit card with a 0 percent offer, some experts say to do it now before issuers get less generous.
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Expert Q&A
Redeeming rewards as a statement credit: Many cards allow it
Can I apply my rewards toward the balance on my credit card?
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Taking charge
‘President Trump’ – How does that make you feel about your finances?
‘President Trump’ – How does that make you feel about your finances?
Americans have mixed feelings about their personal financial outlook for the next four years. A new survey by Experian finds 51 percent expect their personal financial status to improve during Trump’s term.
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Product news
Citi Mobile App adds streamlined card activation to growing list of new features
Citi Mobile App adds streamlined card activation to growing list of new features
Citi customers can now activate a new credit card simply by taking a photo of it. A new feature, which launched January 27, allows card members to activate a Citibank card in-app by using the camera from his or her mobile device to scan the card number.
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