This week's Marketing Land is brought to you by: Oracle Customer Experience


Real-time data means everything to a marketer like you. It helps you understand your customers and what they’re looking for. Their pain points, preferences, and interests paint a picture of how you can connect with and help them overcome the business challenges they encounter.

Personalizing your marketing shows you understand them and are offering a solution that can make a difference. It shows you’re invested in your customers and forges a deeper emotional connection between you and them.

Creating an experience tailored to customers wins their loyalty. Find out what technology and tools can help.

About Oracle Advertising and CX
Make every customer interaction matter by connecting all your business data across advertising, marketing, sales, commerce, and service. Oracle Advertising and Customer Experience (CX) is a connected suite of applications that goes beyond traditional CRM to help you create and nurture lasting customer relationships. Build a complete view of every interaction and every customer, no matter how and when they engage. Empower your entire business to deliver exceptional customer experiences—from acquisition to retention—and everything in between.