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SQL Server Central
Featured Contents
Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

What is a little thing you are grateful for today?

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

Becoming a Better DBA

One of the things that I try to advocate for is that more of you actively manage your careers and find ways to improve your skills. I want you to be more impressive and find an amazing job for you. Not my job, because I have the best job in the world, but I hope you find a job that you love as much as I love mine.

It does take effort, work, and focus. It's something else to manage in life. I certainly don't want you to only care about work. After all, we work to live, not live to work.

That being said, I think you can build the habit of regular career improvement. For those of you that work as DBAs, I found this list of things that help improve your productivity. The first few items are practical having a routine of things to check and a way to monitor your systems. Those are core and a base from which to build. I might stress backups, restores and DR as well, since the main thing is that you can protect and recover data if everything else falls apart.

However, the last few items are less tangible. How do you keep up, explore, and try things? In what area or topic should you start? What's important? I find many people struggle with these less directed pieces of advice. If I want to keep up, what do I do? If I want to experiment or ask about something, what is the most efficient way to do this?

There's advice in the article, but here's my main thought. Don't try to be efficient or perfect. Just pick the thing that's in front of you. Pick something that someone asked you about and you didn't know. Or maybe the thing that looked interesting? Just move forward.

Most of the work we do to improve ourselves isn't tightly focused at first. It's just a step forward and it's not a permanent step. If you decide to start learning about something such as Availability Groups and then realize you don't like this area or it isn't important, just switch to something else. Your time isn't wasted because even if you don't use that skill, you learned about learning something. And you learned something about yourself. Move on and try something else.

For me, I started SQL Server Central. but I liked newsletters similar to the one I send out each week because it gave me something to learn about. I used to troll forums at see the "active threads" and try to answer random questions, even if I didn't post answers. I started to blog and write, mostly to see if I could explain things back in a way that made sense. It became a career, but before that it was a way to impress hiring managers. It also forced me to learn more about little topics and all of that knowledge helped me to be more effective at my job.

Taking a little time every week to learn something, work on your career, and document it is a good way to improve your skills and also showcase them for the next person that hires (or promotes) you. Hopefully into a position that you desire and choose.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

  Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

Understanding Shared Access Signature and Access Policy in Azure Storage

arindamxs from SQLServerCentral

This article covers how you can give access with a shared key to Azure Storage Accounts and apply a policy for how users can access the files.

Technical Article

Summit 2022 Community Pre-cons have been announced

Additional Articles from PASS

We’re delighted to announce the Summit community pre-conference sessions and speaker lineup! Choose from 14 pre-cons featuring Brent Ozar, Kimberly Tripp, Melissa Coates, Itzik Ben-Gan, Denny Cherry, and others, taking place on Monday Nov. 14 and Tuesday Nov. 15. Full-day pre-con sessions will cover topics including database performance tuning and troubleshooting, T-SQL querying, DAX, security, cloud VMs, Azure Data Factory, Azure infrastructure, parameter sniffing, Power BI, PostgreSQL, equity toolkits, and much more!

External Article

Introduction to artificial intelligence

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

Artificial intelligence applications are all around us, but what does it really mean? In this article, Kumar Abhishek explains the history and progress of artificial intelligence.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Populating PostgreSQL JSONB column using Azure Data Factory Data Flow

Rayis Imayev from Data Adventures

Personal notes of one of the recent ADF JSON pipeline development to remember how to use it next time.

Sourcing data comes from a SQL Server database
The destination is a...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - An auditing mind set

Kenneth.Fisher from SQLStudies

I little while back I presented at Pass Data Community Summit. Specifically the presentation was Auditing your data and data ... Continue reading


  Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


The Long Hash

What are the output lengths for these HASHBYTES queries on SQL Server 2019?
DECLARE @i VARCHAR(4001) = REPLICATE('a', 2001) , @j VARCHAR(4001) = REPLICATE('a', 1001) , @k VARCHAR(4001) = REPLICATE('a', 4001); SELECT len(HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', @i)) , len(HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', @i + @j)) , len(HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', @i + @j + @k)) 

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Getting the OS Version

I want to query the OS version from T-SQL and use that to decide how other code runs. What is the easiest way to get this version programmatically into a variable?

Answer: query sys.dm_os_windows_info for the windows_release value

Explanation: You can query the @@version, but it is much easier to query sys.dm_os_windows_info. Ref: sys.dm_os_windows_info -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Development
How to get correct Part Feature Number when Part Exist ? - I work on sql server 2017 I have table #partsfeature already exist as below   create table #partsfeature ( PartId int, FeatureName varchar(300), FeatureValue varchar(300), PartFeatureNumber int ) insert into #partsfeature(PartId,FeatureName,FeatureValue,PartFeatureNumber) values (1211,'AC','5V',1), (2421,'grail','51V',2), (6211,'compress','33v',3)   my issue Done For Part id 3900 it take wrong Part Feature Number 7 and Correct Must be 2 Because Feature name and Feature Value […]
How to make select Dense Rank over max of TechnologyId Based on FeatureString Fo - I work on sql server 2017 i have table have dense rank over FeatureString and column store rank increment is technology id as below create table #partsfeature ( PartId int, FeatureName varchar(300), FeatureValue varchar(300), FeatureString varchar(300), TechnologyId int ) insert into #partsfeature(PartId,FeatureName,FeatureValue,FeatureString,TechnologyId) values (1211,'AC','5V','AC(5V)Boil(10v)Temp(5V)',1), (1211,'Boil','10v','AC(5V)Boil(10v)Temp(5V)',1), (1211,'Temp','5V','AC(5V)Boil(10v)Temp(5V)',1), (2421,'grail','51V','Alc(5V)Coil(9V)grail(51V)',2), (2421,'Coil','9V','Alc(5V)Coil(9V)grail(51V)',2), (2421,'Alc','5V','Alc(5V)Coil(9V)grail(51V)',2), (6211,'compress','33v','compress(33v)heat(90v)push(80v)',3), (6211,'heat','90v','compress(33v)heat(90v)push(80v)',3), (6211,'push','80v','compress(33v)heat(90v)push(80v)',3)   Now max […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Restore stalls around 97% done with PREEMPTIVE_OS_WRITEFILEGATHER - Hello experts, I'm having trouble getting around this issue. I am trying to restore a database and every time (via T-SQL or GUI), it stalls out at around 97%. I check sp_WhoIsActive and keep seeing this wait type: PREEMPTIVE_OS_WRITEFILEGATHER I tried the solution here but to no avail: Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering […]
SQL 2012 - General
help needed. MS SQL Server 2012 - Hi, I've just got a call (6pm on a Friday!) from a customer who has had his line-of-business application provider sell him a solution which required SQL Server 2012 Standard, yet the supplier (joyfully) installed the evaluation version of SQL Server 2012 Enterprise. This has now ticked over and expired. My problem is that (a) […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
old backup files - Is there any industry standard term/phrase in the DBA community for old backups of SQL databases that have seemingly been left and forgotten about, that could pose a compliance risk around GDPR, or any other data retention element of the data regulations you are subjected to you in your roles.  I was thinking it could […]
Ola Hallengren and GCP - Hi, Looking to move to GCP IAAS VMs running SQL Servers. Do the Hallengren script work backing up directly from a Google Cloud Platform hosted SQL instance to a GCP Cloud Bucket? I know it works within Azure just cannot find anything that confirms it does in GCP. If it does anyone have insight into […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Table level increament backup - Hi Expert, How i can take table backup and restore again in sql server when more data is available at the time of import create table table2 (col1 date, col2 char) insert into table2 values('2022-02-02',22) then took backup at the time of restore found 2 more incremental records in table2 insert into table2 values('2022-02-03',22), ('2022-02-04',22) […]
aggregate by a given period - Hello! Please, consider the following code DECLARE @SNH TABLE ( cntDT DATETIME, cntQ varchar(10), cntL int ) INSERT INTO @SNH (cntDT, cntQ, cntL) VALUES ('2001-04-04 10:00:00', 'Queue01', 3), ('2001-04-05 10:03:00', 'Queue01', 1), ('2001-04-05 10:06:00', 'Queue01', 1), ('2001-04-05 10:07:00', 'Queue01', 1), ('2001-04-05 10:11:00', 'Queue01', 1), ('2001-04-05 10:12:00', 'Queue01', 10) I'd like to have the table @SNH […]
Amazon AWS and other cloud vendors
Pragmatically update an AWS Lambda VPC info -   I'm looking for an example code that uses boto3 that can update an existing AWS Lambda function's VPC info. I need to write a code so that every time the lambda function is redeployed, the python script will be triggered and it will update the lambda function that just got deployed. I don't want […]
General Cloud Computing Questions
Cloud hosting suggestions? - Hello again,   I've been running my SQL Database locally through my computer but am looking to move it to the cloud. I've been looking at Google Cloud services, AWS, Azure, and Elephant SQL hosting, but was hoping for some input from some of you more experienced people on what products you've found work best. […]
Reporting Services
SSRS report rendering to PDF is failing. - PDF rendering stopped working for no apparent reason. No changes were made. Users exported PDFs on Thur, but stopped working on Friday. Fails in Edge and Chrome. Doesn't matter what report could be 20 pages or a single record with 3 columns. Error from event log: Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.UnhandledReportRenderingException: An error occurred during rendering of the report. […]
How to see username of the user running the report in Profiler? - I'm trying to configure shared data source of SSRS, on SQL Server 2012, so I can see in Profiler and Activity Monitor who is actually running the report using this data source. I was able to achieve it by specifying Windows Authentication in the shared dataset: when the user runs a report using this datasource, […]
SSRS 2016
Page Navigation Buttons Do Not Work on Second + time loading reports - I am perplexed by an SSRS issue I haven't seen before. I've been a report developer for over 10 years, and work for a company that recently upgraded their reporting server from 2016 to 2019. Some of the older reports that return more than one page worth of data have the page navigation buttons disabled. […]
SQL drop -   DROP TABLE IF EXISTS OARD, and a correlated subquery with a grouping that would give the total of adding all the null and blank votes, but I'm a bit lost. Thanks for the help!
newbie db design question - hello! really noob question here. i have this experimental database design: create table products ( product_id serial primary key, description text, supplier_id????) ; create table supplier ( supplier_id serial primary key, description text) ; the products table should be linked to the supplier table via "supplier_id" column. i can't find out what would be the […]


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