
Expert articles on cloud, software development, and AI

Infoworld First Look

May 13, 2024

Understanding the generative AI development process

Developing generative AI applications is very different from developing traditional machine learning applications. These are the steps. Read more ▶

Image: The best new features and fixes in Python 3.13

The best new features and fixes in Python 3.13

A new JIT compiler, the first no-GIL edition of Python, better errors and typing enhancement, and the removal of dead batteries are all part of Python 3.13.

AI coding tools are your interns, not your replacement

AI can’t replace bad developers because it only works for good developers. Recognizing when code from an LLM will fail requires skill and experience.

7 JavaScript language elements every developer needs

Here's what beginning and experienced developers need to know about working with JavaScript's array, for loop, forEach, map, reduce, substring, and switch.

Image: Highlights from the Django Developer Survey 2024

Highlights from the Django Developer Survey 2024

Python developers still prefer Django but are exploring alternative frameworks to draw on specific features or adapt to changing project demands.

Grafana: Shining a light into Kubernetes clusters

Grafana creator Torkel Ödegaard traces the open-source project’s journey to help developers visualize what’s going on inside distributed cloud-native infrastructure.

Red Hat launches RHEL for AI

Red Hat Enterprise Linux AI is designed to serve as a foundation model platform that allows users to more seamlessly develop and deploy generative AI models.

What is Istio? The Kubernetes service mesh explained

Here's what you need to know about Istio, Google's open source service mesh platform for managing data sharing between microservices in a network.

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