2018 was an eventful year, to say the least. 🙄
Free Press Action


2018 was an eventful year, to say the least. 🙄

All year we’ve been fighting a constant onslaught of attacks, preparing for the next shoe to drop — we have enough to stock a store now — and it doesn’t look like 2019 will be different.

Donate today at any of the levels below and your dollars will be doubled (but only through Dec. 31!):

Unfriend Facebook: $5
OK so yes, we know that Facebook is actually free, but don’t you feel like it costs you at least $5 in stress per month? Instead of agonizing about the many ways Facebook is a dumpster fire, you could donate $5 to fuel our work to hold Facebook and other tech platforms accountable.

Cancel Comcast: $10
Comcast takes your money so it can to screw you over, violate Net Neutrality, sell your most personal info and more! Why not donate $10 so we can keep fighting its massive lobbying machine?

Defend Net Neutrality: $25
Net Neutrality is what makes the internet a weird and awesome place where we can fight for racial justice and share pictures of cats riding unicorns. You know that. We know that. The majority of people in the United States know that. You know who doesn’t? Republicans in Congress. For $25 you can help ensure the lawmakers in D.C. who are supposed to be fixing things actually do.

F#%k Fox: $50
Fox News has been broadcasting garbage into our homes for over 20 years. It sows division, gives an approving platform to racists and serves as the unofficial adviser to an administration that’s put forward some of the most horrific policies in U.S. history. Help stop the flow of misinformation that’s beamed to both the White House and that uncle you do your best to avoid at family gatherings. Instead of throwing your TV out the window, donate $50 so we can continue to fight propaganda masquerading as “facts”.

Thanks for your support!

Heather, Candace, Dutch and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. We need to raise $150,000 by Dec. 31 so we can keep fighting for all of the things you care about. And if you donate this month, your dollars will be doubled! Chip in $10 — or whatever you can — today.

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