InformationWeek Security
Group Claims Huge Ticketmaster Breach; Is the Future of War Cyber?; Modern Cybersecurity Training

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InformationWeek Security
May 30, 2024

Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
UniSuper’s Cloud Outage and Google's 'One-of-a-Kind' Misconfig
A misconfiguration led to the accidental deletion of UniSuper’s cloud account and a week-long outage.

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‘ShinyHunters’ Group Claims Massive Ticketmaster Breach

The group claims to have stolen sensitive data from more than half of a billion Ticketmaster customers. Ticketmaster and its parent company Live Nation have yet to confirm the breach.
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Could the Next War Begin in Cyberspace?

The next war could start without a shot being fired. But that doesn't mean the impact will be inconsequential.
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Beyond the Code: Modern Cybersecurity Training for 2024

Cybersecurity training should focus on interactive role-playing and simulations to teach employees how to defend against social engineering attacks. Experiential learning methods facilitate retention and practical application of security knowledge.
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
RSA Conference Last Look: From VC Investing to Cybersecurity CEOs
A snapshot look at the need to combat deepfake-fueled social engineering, the rise of a more grounded investment mindset, and the fight to find threats in wireless networks. Read More
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5 Big Ideas from VulnCon 2024
Cyber security professionals and stakeholders met in North Carolina for the first annual VulnCon convention focused on vulnerability management. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
8 Priorities for Cloud Security in 2024
The pace of cloud migration has outpaced security. How can organizations prioritize cloud security this year? Read More

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