United Kingdom Threat Landscape

The United Kingdom (UK) is a country that is geographically small (ranked 78th in the world by geographic size) but carries significant global political and diplomatic influence. The UK boasts the 6th largest economy based on GDP. It is perhaps due to these latter points that the UK is a target for APT groups, cyber criminals, and hacktivists.

Defending its critical infrastructure against these and other threats is a major challenge for cyber defense in the UK. A number of attacks have already had impacts across every area of critical infrastructure. Geopolitical changes such as Brexit as well as political issues inside the UK factor into the overall threat landscape for the country.

Critical infrastructure in the UK (as defined by the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure) falls into the following sectors:

  • Chemical
  • Civil Nuclear
  • Communications
  • Defense
  • Emergency Services
  • Energy
  • Finance
  • Food
  • Government
  • Health
  • Space
  • Transport
  • Water

Anomali Labs has produced a report which explores each of these areas of Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) and analyzes key threats to each industry as well as the country as a whole.

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United Kingdom Threat Landscape

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