Jul 06, 2020
By Victor Davis Hanson

The media blitz of protests, riots, and looting revealed a generation that is poorly educated and yet petulant and self-assured without justification.
By Ken McIntyre

The high court’s unanimous ruling puts an end to occasional “faithless electors,” who vote for a different presidential candidate than that of the state they represent.
By Thomas Catenacci

The statue had stood in Maplewood Park in Rochester, New York, where Douglass and fellow black abolitionist Harriet Tubman shuttled slaves to safety on the Underground Railroad.
By Cully Stimson

As deputy assistant defense secretary for detainee affairs in 2006, I conducted the first classified study on how to close Guantanamo if ordered to do so.
By Kevin Mooney

Black Lives Matter, which has taken center stage in media coverage of protests against police tactics and "systemic racism,” first gained notoriety after the 2012 fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin, a black high school student.

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