Join the nationals largest professional association dedicated to CDI
Let ACDIS become your CDI resource library!
For 15, years ACDIS has worked each and every day to provide members withthe information, tools, and support needed to improve their day-to-day efforts,careers, and their facility's CDI practices.
ACDIS members are able to network with peers and the ACDIS leadership team, save on educational events and products, and access a wealth of knowledge and best practices through various resources only available to members.
We hope you can join this community of CDI professionals and unlock information, best practices, and resources that can truly make a difference.
Just a few of the resources ACDIS members are able to access include:
The CDI Journal Developed by the ACDIS editorial team, each edition provides members with a fresh look and perspective intoCDI hot topics.
Topical White Papers Thoughtful and insightful white papers covering a variety of topics that provide members with the guidance they need.
Useful Query Templates ACDIS members are able to access a library of query templates that outline proper query processes.
Policies & Procedures Policies and procedures that can help CDI departments implement new initiatives or reinforce current ones.
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