Breakthrough researchers are continuing to work hard to unlock cancer's secrets, resulting in improved outcomes and treatments for people with cancer. Eimear Mylod was the Breakthrough PhD Scholar in 2019.
Eimear is investigating natural killer (NK) cells, which are immune system cells that can kill cancer cells. Recently, Eimear published promising research findings in the Journal of Immunology.
Eimear and the team have found that in obesity-associated oesophageal and stomach cancer NK cells move to the omentum (a fold of tissue connecting the stomach to other organs). There, in obesity-induced cancer, they die instead of going to the tumour and killing cancer cells.
However, Eimear reports that they have identified a drug that interrupts a protein called Fractalkine, which may stop this misdirection of NK cells away from cancer cells.
Through her study, we’re gaining new insights into Fractalkine’s logical functions. Eimear’s work may uncover new understandings of NK cell dysfunction that might be changed with medication.
Fiona O’Connell was our Musgrave PhD Scholar in 2019, and recently published a review in Cancer Letters. In this review, Fiona and Professor Jacintha O’Sullivan describe what is known about the impact of obesity on cancer development, progression and treatments.
Obesity is a rising epidemic. It can decrease the effectiveness of many cancer therapies, such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, and combination therapies. However, obesity may also protect against some treatment side-effects.
We don’t understand yet how the biological action of body fat tissue influences cancer treatment response. However, by continuing to research Fiona hopes that understanding this may lead to more effective treatment options or new methods to combat cancer in obese tumours.
We are delighted to introduce and welcome Mr. Michael McMahon, the new Chairman of Breakthrough Cancer Research. Michael joined our board in December 2021.
Michael is currently Head of Care Strategy, Planning & Enablement with Vodafone. His wide reaching professional career to date included senior roles in IBM Global Services, along with senior and CEO roles in a number of successful technology start-ups. He has also held board roles in a number of charities and holds an MBA (Henley).
Each year, over 30,000 people die in Ireland, with approximately a third of deaths caused by cancer. Many terminally ill people find themselves in Irish hospitals being treated for the biological aspects of their illness, with less emphasis being placed on their social, psychological and spiritual wellbeing.
PhD scholar Lucy Hayden, based in the School of Psychology, Dublin City University, wishes to change this. Lucy's research, in conjunction with Breakthrough Cancer Research and the Irish Research Council, will examine the psychological, social and spiritual concerns of people with terminal cancer, but she needs your help.
Lucy is looking for people living with advanced cancer, and informal caregivers who would be willing to take part in her research. She wishes to learn from first-hand experiences in order to come up with new ways and guidelines to care and support those with advanced cancer in the future.
Interested in participating but wondering what is involved? You will be asked to take part in a conversational interview about your experience of living with advanced cancer. It will take approximately 60 - 90 minutes. Interviews will be conducted in a flexible manner (in-person or by phone/video call) and will be audio recorded only.
For more information or to register for participation, please contact
At Breakthrough Cancer Research, we value the patient voice in all of our activities and have an amazing panel of patients and survivors.
As we grow, we also want to expand the number of patients, survivors and family members with whom we consult, and therefore we are welcoming new members onto our Public Patient Initiative (PPI) Panels.
At a virtual seminar last September, PPI representative Chrys Ngwa shared his experience and reason for getting involved,
“It’s wonderful to get the opportunity to represent, or be the voice of the cancer patient in research. I am truly honoured and delighted to be part of Breakthrough’s Public Patient Initiative panel. It’s an empowering experience.”
If you would like to find out more or become involved in our PPI panel, please email, or give us a call on (021) 4226655.
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