Unlocking Founder Mode: The Rockefeller Habits You Must Master to Scale
By Chris Young - The Rainmaker, Sep 26, 2024 9:04:40 AM

The data does not lie.

Fortune recently published Is 'founder mode' or 'manager mode' better? Here's what the 22 Fortune 500 companies still run by founders show

The data screams. Fortune's analysis suggests the following: 

  • Cumulative total return during the founder CEO's tenures - a 20:1 return difference of founder CEOs relative to the rest of the 500.
  • Performance vs the sector (performance score of 100 equals the sector) - the founder-CEO companies delivered over a 6x score.

Operating in "Founder Mode" is not for the faint of heart. It is a mindset, a relentless state of drive where a founder must juggle vision, execution, and team alignment—all while pushing the boundaries of what is possible. It is the mode in which the founder's unstoppable passion and energy fuels the company’s momentum. However, without mastery over key operational practices like the Rockefeller Habits, the dream of scaling your business will undoubtedly collapse under the weight of inconsistency, missed opportunities, and talent retention issues. This is not a place where you can afford softness.

There is no middle ground between winning and failing.

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