Unlocking Solar Potential in the United States: The Success Story of Soltec

In a world where clean energy is becoming increasingly crucial, the U.S. photovoltaic market is experiencing unprecedented growth. It is being driven by demand for renewable energy, cost reductions, public policy support, and environmental awareness. According to the U.S. Solar Market Insight Q4 2023 report, compiled by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and Wood Mackenzie, the United States installed 6.5 GW of solar capacity in the third quarter of 2023, a 35% increase from the previous year, and is expected to add a record 33 GW of solar capacity in 2023.

With a track record marked by a steadfast commitment to innovation, Soltec, a company founded in Murcia, Spain in 2004, has established itself as a leading provider of solar trackers, participating in flagship projects and expanding its presence in the U.S. market.

A Track Record of Success

The Spanish company began its operations in the United States in 2015 and has since supplied 2.8 GW of solar trackers. This is one of the markets where Soltec has achieved significant expansion, accounting for 26% of the company's total revenue. Since then, it has participated in projects with key companies in the energy sector, such as its recently signed agreement with Blue Ridge Power, to which it supplied 164 W of its SF7 solar tracker for a project located in Virginia.

In addition to Virginia, Soltec has been involved in projects in other states, such as Missouri, Hawaii, or Minnesota. The company has an extensive portfolio of ongoing projects and significant strategic projects for the coming years in the United States.


Overcoming Challenges: Innovative Solutions for the Supply Chain

Despite the promising outlook, the solar sector is not exempt from challenges, especially regarding the supply chain. In fact, in recent years, it has been affected by raw material shortages, rising transportation costs, and trade restrictions. Faced with these difficulties, Soltec has demonstrated its adaptability and resilience by implementing innovative solutions that allow it to maintain its competitiveness and meet the needs of its customers. Among these solutions are supplier diversification, optimization of logistics processes, and local production. At this point, its center located in Texas and its offices in Miami have been key, allowing it to reduce delivery times and carbon emissions. Agreements with U.S. suppliers are also a key factor in ensuring the local supply chain capacity.

To overcome the challenges mentioned, Soltec has placed innovation at the core of its strategy, recognizing the potential of bifacial technology, which optimizes solar trackers by considering both sides of the module. This system is included in the SFOne US and SF7 US trackers, both designed exclusively for the U.S. market. The SF7 US, launched last January, also features an electronic system that incorporates wireless communication designed to withstand low temperatures. Additionally, thanks to its TeamTrack system, it ensures maximum energy production at each solar installation, providing up to 7% more performance, a function that minimizes shading losses between rows, especially on uneven terrain.


Looking to the Future

In an ever-evolving market, Soltec is poised to lead the way towards a more sustainable future. Their comprehensive services, ranging from engineering to installation and maintenance, position them as strategic partners for clients seeking efficiency and quality in their projects. With numerous projects forecasted in the coming years and their focus on innovation, the company is ready to continue driving solar energy in the United States. Soltec's expansion in the country is more than a milestone; it is a testament to their commitment to an energetically efficient future.


You can email us at info@soltec.com or check out our website to learn more about the company and our products: soltec.com/en