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Unprepared, unequipped Bloomberg makes first debate appearance
The Morning Joe panel recaps the first debate appearance by former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg, who faced criticism for past comments about women and his refusal to release women who worked for him from nondisclosure agreements.
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What Bloomberg handled well at the debate
Issues of wealth and socialism vs. capitalism arose Wednesday evening during the Democratic debate, with Sen. Sanders attacking Bloomberg's wealth and Bloomberg firing back. The panel discusses what Bloomberg got right during the debate.
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Sen. Klobuchar: Not enough focus on Trump last night
2020 Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, joins Morning Joe to discuss Wednesday's debate, why she says there wasn't enough focus on Donald Trump and how as president she would handle immigration.
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What last night's debate could mean for Bernie Sanders
Former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe and Democratic strategist Adrienne Elrod discuss their takeaways from Wednesday's debate and what four moderates splitting the moderate vote could mean for the 2020 campaign.
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Naming of Grenell 'ridiculously insane', says professor
Debate moderator gives her impressions
Joe: Sanders, Trump were two big winners last night
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